Hirapani Integrated Model Farm

Hirapani Integrated Model Farm

Hirpani Integrated Model Farm was established by Sindhuli Agro Company Pvt Ltd in partnership with Agriculture Development Directorate, Bagmati Province

We have begun our attempt to reimagine agriculture in Nepal through Sindhuli Agro Company’s pilot project. The “Hirapani Integrated Model Farm.”

Hirapani Integrated Model Farm incorporates market-driven production, standardized operation, data-driven decision making and research in integration of fish, crops and livestock. The farm furthers integrates tourism and research and training as complementary source of income. Based on the theory of “lean” production system and Japanese theory of Sixth Industrialization of Agriculture, we will standardize production; add processing and packaging on site, and sale directly to customers to retain a larger share of the benefit of the agriculture supply chain.

The model farm will serve as a fulcrum from where we shall pivot into production design, aggregation, processing & packing and logistics sectors in agriculture. 


Develop and execute an agriculture business model that incorporate integrated agriculture with tourism and R&D.

Integrated FarmAgro TourismCenter of Excellence

Farm RestaurantImplementation Research

FruitsGrains & Beans
Farmstay (Guesthouse)Learn & Earn

Livestock (Buffalo & Poultry)Fish
Farm Tour / Picnic / BoatingProgramTrainings
Petting Zoo

We aim to establish and develop an integrated farm of crops, livestock and fish farming. Our main product are vegetable and cereal grains like rice, wheat, maize. Shallow lands, where crop production is low, is used for fish farming. Narrow terraces and plot edges will be used for fruit farming. We will raise buffaloes primarily for manure. We will raise local poultry to be integrated into vegetable farming to prepare land for cultivation.

The farm will host an in-farm restaurant that will serve customer fresh products from the farm and a farm house styled guesthouse for overnight stays.

The farm will be developed as a children-centric recreational spot. can tour and learn farming tips and techniques , boat on the fish ponds, enjoy in the picnic area by the river with playground and petting zoo for the children.

The farm will also serve as a Center of Excellence. It will a hub for research, innovation and training. We hope establish the farm as an extension of NARC in PPP model. We also plan to start “Learn & Earn” program for local students that wish to work on the field before and after classes to learn and earn from their work.

Our Team

Rajendra Giri

Farm Manager

Devi Prasad Phuyal

Operation Lead

Jan Sign Karki

Technical Lead

Nir Bikram Raya

Administration Lead

Geeta Karki

Field Lead

Radha Timilsina

Field Lead

Ram Kumar Karki

Field Lead


Integrated Farm


Farm Restaurant


Vegetables, Fruits


Farmstay (Guesthouse)